Want to find out your strengths, weakness and personality traits?
Take our 50 “Yes-No” questions to find out your personality traits based on highly respectable Digital Sathi’s scientific research. Basically, Digital Sathi’s personality test model measures your personality on the basis of 50 “Yes-No” questions. These questions are designed by our expert psychologists to make a sound analysis of your personality dimensions. You may judge yourself by your intentions but people will judge you on the basis of your personality. This incredible tool will help you to understand why some behaviors for you are so easy and others so tough. While assessing job candidates HR managers always focus on soft skills and personality. That’s why HR and recruitment manager use Digital Sathi’s Psychology test as a hiring tool. Job candidate’s personality traits help HR managers in the recruitment process to make smart decisions. The questionnaire is not lengthy and won’t take more than few minutes.
We will not ask for your personal information, mobile number, or email address before revealing your results. At the end of the quiz, we will give you the result.
1. Each question has two buttons to answer YES or NO. Try to decide whether YES or NO represents your usual way of acting or feeling. Then check those radio buttons named YES or NO.
2. Work quickly, and don’t spend too much time on any question. Digital Sathi wants your first reaction, not your detailed thought process.
3. In order to get the accurate results, please answer every question and do not omit any question.
4. There are no right or wrong answers, and this isn’t a test of your intelligence or wisdom, but simply a measure of the way you behave in certain situations.